Shashi Dream Foundation |Career Counseling 2020|Phase-10|Experts views on career|Impact report

Shashi Dream Foundation
10 min readAug 2, 2020


We thank our experts for successful completion of Phase 10 Career Counseling Sessions
DR. PRERNA SHARMA, Assistant Professor, IISC Bangalore


Dr. Prerna Sharma was our guest speaker who began our Phase 10 of the career counseling session. This session took place on 22nd July 2020 to mentor the students in the field of Physics. Dr. Prerna guided the students and it was both informative and interactive session. The session started with her inspirational journey where she talked about everything: how she started as a curious physics lover and ended up as an inspirational empowered woman. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at IISC Bangalore. She talked about how three years of undergraduate education increased her curiosity and passion for physics. She did her Masters and Ph.D. in Physics from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. She succeeded with flying colours and went to the USA. She was a Post-Doctoral fellow at Brandeis University until 2014. Later on, she discussed the scopes in the field. She talked about three ways that students can follow. Either they can choose the academic field and can teach the students or they can do both research with teaching. Also, there are some industries which offer work to researchers. There are pharmaceutical companies and semiconductor companies. There are several placement drives that occur and if you want to do a job, you need to give interviews and exams. The companies and industries want more experienced students and that's why one should apply for it after a post-Doctoral degree. Entrance exams like National Eligibility Test would be preferred when one will apply for teaching in different colleges. Also, fellowship is given to students pursuing Ph. D programs. When asked about what one can do to improve themselves or prepare themselves better in the field of Physics, she said, "There are many resources available in today's times. Understanding the concepts is key. If you don't have a good teacher, there are many online portals from where you can learn." Our speaker shared many experiences and memories of her journey and it was insightful. SUCCESS MANTRA for her is, "You will always find talented people among your batch. Don't get demotivated by the extraordinary kids. Hard work with patience and luck can take you anywhere. Without hard work, talent is a waste. So, keep learning and one day, when you will look back, you will be proud of yourself."

PROF. DR. BALVINDER SINGH, Advisor at IHCN-F (A UNESCO initiative)


Shashi Dream Foundation was privileged to have Prof. Dr. Balvinder Singh as a guest for our 56th session. This session took place on 24th July 2020. Over 200 people joined this live session and he mentored everyone in the field of Town and Country Planning. Students were curious to know about city development and at the end of the session, with the help of questions and answers, Dr. Balvinder Singh gave an insightful session and satisfied the curiosity of everyone. He is currently working as an Advisor at IHCN-F(A UNESCO Initiative). He has done MA in Sociology, Bachelor in Library Sciences, Masters in City and Regional Planning, Masters in Conservation Studies, and Ph.D. in Conservation Studies. He is Former Head of Guru Ram Das School Of Planning, Guru Ram Das University, Amritsar. The session started with the lessons that he learned in his journey. He quoted, "Life is full of Ups and Downs. Never lose hope." He also talked about his incident where he learned a very important lesson, Hard work never waste away. If you work hard, you will definitely succeed.” Town and Country Planning is a system of government planning which is used to plan how land should be used with balancing economic development and environmental quality. There are Town and Country Planning Department in every state of India which hires planners who can design new or small cities. He talked about different levels: Neighborhood level and Cluster level. With the use of different examples, he made the session very fun and insightful. He talked about courses such as Bachelors, Masters, and Specialization in Planning. He also highlighted the scope in different countries particularly Australia and canada. He talked about the government sector jobs as there are Town and country planning department in every state, aspirants can go for the job as Planning Officer and Assistant Term Planner. Jobs are available in the Municipal Corporation of every city. He elaborated various schools imparting planning education. He talked about different entrance tests that are being conducted by the School of Planning. Scholarships are also given to deserving candidates. Online Interviews and Entrance tests are also conducted for government jobs. He interacted with students and answered their questions. SUCCESS MANTRA for him is, “Everyone faces problems in their lives. People will discourage you. But with hope, hard work, and belief in God, you can achieve everything.”

SHRI VIKRAM JOHAR, Director at International Affairs of Protocol Group


Shri Vikram Johar was the guest speaker for the 57th session of Phase 10. Shashi Dream Foundation was fortunate to have him as the guest speaker. On 26th July 2020, this session took place and over 200 people joined this interactive session. The session began with the journey of Mr Vikram that how he started his journey with Rs 1200 and now, his company has given employment to 300 people. In between, he also interacted with the people and answered everyone's questions patiently. Shri Vikram Johar is Director at International Affairs of Protocol Group. International Affairs of Protocol Group is the second-largest Insurance service provider in India. He has done B.Tech in Engineering from NIT Kurukshetra. The session started and he told everyone about his journey, how he started as a single man team and how he has completed 30 years in insurance now. He is a Mechanical Engineer and started his insurance company. Now, 300 people are employed by this company. They provide Insurance Claim Services, Digital Insurance and Insurance Training. Later, he discussed the scopes in this field. Students can begin their journey as an Insurance agent from as low as Class 10th. Later, they can give entrance exams of Insurance Institute of India. There are three levels of entrance exams. They are being conducted twice a year. Stream doesn't matter as anyone who has skills and passion, can become an insurance agent. There are several undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well that aspirants can pursue. Birla Institute of Management Technology, Institute of Risk Management and Amity University provide UG and PG courses. Mr. Vikram Johar also gave his insights on the job opportunity in this field. He quoted a report which says that India will be needing 25 lakh insurance agents in the next ten years. The opportunity will keep increasing as the economy increases. He also quoted that being an insurance agent is all about acquiring skill-sets. There is good job stability and doors of opportunities never get closed for the agents. Aspirants can choose between freelancing, part-time and full-time jobs. “If you know the product well, you can sell it well”, is one of the most important attributes. He also quoted that, “Insurance, Learning and Patience are the keywords.SUCCESS MANTRA for him is, “Do not get dejected even if you get rejected.”

SHRI DILIP PATEL, State Trainer of OYMS, Bharat Scouts and Guides, Chattisgarh


On 28th July 2020, Shashi Dream Foundation was privileged to have Shri Dilip Patel as a guest speaker for the 58th session. The session was about the scope of Scouts and Guides and how one can follow the passion and can serve for his session. Shri Dilip Patel is a State Trainer of OYMS at Bharat Scouts and Guides, Chhattisgarh. He has more than 21 years of experience in Scouting. He has been honoured with Governor Award two times in 2004 & 2013. He has also received the prestigious award "Rashtrapati Award” two times, in the year 2004 and 2015. He is also Rover leader of CSAORC. He has organized more than 10 State/International/National Camps. The session was really inspiring and motivating. He talked about his journey that how he began his journey as a 7-year-old student and later, he falls in love with the uniform. Over 200 people joined the session and listened to the amazing session. He talked about the main motive of the Scouts and Guides. The work is to control the crowd and to do work for society. Later on, he aware us about the scopes of this field. Indian Railways recruit Scouts and Guides. There are 200 posts for the scouts and guides exclusively. Aspirants can also work in the Scouts and Guides Agency of India. The job also depends on the qualification of the student. In every state, there is one post available for scouts and guides. So, there are many opportunities and jobs for Scouts and Guides. He quoted, “One can start his journey from the school and with patience and hard work, soon, they will start receiving the fruits.” Scouts and Guides Agency welcomes everyone with the open arms. He also shared how the agency formed. It was an insightful session and at the end of the session, one clearly knows what Scouts and Guides is all about. After doing the regular work and written exam, one can win the prestigious award. He also told us about the challenges that he faced during his journey. He started as a jovial kid and with time, he emerged as a good and determined leader. The opportunities never end in this field and one can serve and do his work and can be happy. When he was asked about his SUCCESS MANTRA, he quote, “Hard work is the key and there is no shortcut for success. Work hard until you are 25 so that you can spend rest of the lives contented.”

MR. SAAGAR LALKA, Founder of Skillkey


We all have been through this challenging phase when we are unable to upgrade our personality. A good personality increases your chances to make good first impressions and also, it opens many doors of opportunities. Shashi Dream Foundation organized its 59th session on Rebuilding Personality for your Career. Mr Saagar S Lalka was the guest speaker and we were privileged to listen to his amazing session. Mr Saagar S Lalka is the Founder of Skillkey and is pursuing PhD from Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has 18 years of experience in Academics and Corporate. He has conducted Soft Skill Training & Workshops. He has also organized many motivational seminars. The session started and our guest speaker told us about his journey. He has tasted different flavour and has experience in different fields.

A good personality is a need for students who are going to start their career or their corporate life. Rebuilding your personality according to your career will ease the process. He explained the two factors which play an important role in enhancing the personality. External factors such as the parents, teachers, school, the society where you live in and the industry where you will work. Internal factors like reading new books, watching new movies, the people you meet, the places that you explore: all these things enhance your personality. Everyone has a unique characteristic in themselves. When students analyze them, they find the characteristic and accordingly, they can choose the career. He talked about how to work on your negative characteristics so that you can rebuild your personality. He talked about different methods to enhance your skills and to rebuild your personality. He also interacted with the viewers and gave his insights on the different aspects of personality. "Being realistic is way important than being fake about your personality", he quoted. He talked about the different methods which we can use to mould ourselves in a new premise. Everyone faces rejections in their lives. Analyzing yourself and cutting down your negative roots will help you in rebuilding your personality. Divert your mind when you are doubting yourself. Take your time and handle the criticism well. "No one can understand the importance of success if one has not failed. No one can understand the importance of acceptance if one hasn't been rejected." he quoted. The session was really inspiring, interacting and motivating. He talked about the challenge that he faced in his journey. When he was asked about the SUCCESS MANTRA, he said, "Live the life you love. Do what you love. Communicate with your parents and follow your passion. Live and let everyone live."


We have received great response from our viewers for this phase. They thanked us for organizing these wonderful sessions. We thank all those who joined and encouraged us to conduct this series of career counselling. Here are some of the responses that we got from our viewers.




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Shashi Dream Foundation
Shashi Dream Foundation

Written by Shashi Dream Foundation

A Non Government Organization (NGO) that Educates 📚 &Empowers 👩‍🎓 Underprivileged kids.

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