Education is the tool that gives wings to every child to fly high and reach the goals of success and be knowledgeable, the one who takes wise decisions in life and becomes the building block of a nation. Education teaches us no to discriminate between each other and respect each gender, caste, and religion. It sets the base of equality in society and therefore creating harmonious relations between individuals. But this sanctity of education is impure by some social evil thoughts which discriminate and formed the line of demarcation between girls and boys. The boys are asset and girls being a liability for the society is the thought which is perceived by the Indian orthodox thinkers. This ill thinking is deeply rooted in Indian history as from later Vedic period we can see women position went down in society, boys were preferred over girls and patriarchal system in society came into being. This is further influences by some religious and political thought like men could only become king of the nation and not women. Some social evils further worsened the position of women in society such as female infanticide and dowry.
All of these somehow impacted the social thoughts and finally on the education system. Even in ancient times, boys were seemed to be part of Gurukulas and not the girls. And the same continued till a longer period. even in the early 1990s when the western education system started developing in India, girls were kept away from that also as it was the social thought that girls are meant for household work and marriage and not studies and if they would be educated and exposed to the real world they would be out of the hands of that orthodox and ill thinkers. They were always been institutionalized by political and social thoughts and been given the tags of fragile house workers and not one to be the contributor to the nation. As the centuries have rolled out since then and girls are now allowed to go school and study hard but in real aspect, if we have a look at data we could see that the dropout rate of girls at an early age in India is still touching up skies i.e. about 17.06 % in 2016. This rate clearly shows how the gender gap is there creating the problem for the future. Though child marriage is illegal in the country still it is practiced in some parts of India becoming the reason for the dropout rate. Similarly, girls are not allowed to pursue higher education and not allowed to migrate or move out for studies to another city and countries and are being deprived of pursuing up their career as a family in India think that it would be enough if they have completed their schooling. In the 21st century as well many families in India think that investing such large amounts in girl’s education is a waste as according to them they would only do house chores for that there is no need for education. Even if in case they have gone for higher studies, are not allowed to work and take up a job as they are expected to look after their family. This stigma of social thought encircles girls in India and stops them from pursuing up studies.
But some of the social institutions and government have tried to change up such thinking and have started up various initiatives and schemes such as ‘Beti Bacho, Beti Padhao’. As the things are changing and it’s always good to keep pace with changing social thoughts we .our society must contribute to stepping ahead for stopping up this differentiation and help in girl’s education and stopping up their early age school dropouts as well. The nation could develop only when its whole population will contribute to its development and not only a particular type of section and gender. It’s time to change and the need of the hour is only one i.e. “Educate Girls And Be Developed.”
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A Non-Government Organization (NGO) that Educates 📚 &Empowers 👩🎓 Underprivileged kids.