Critical Thinking is an Important Element in Education
Primarily what is critical thinking?… It is the way an individual thinks in a particular situation to sort out a problem or to find a solution. It questions one’s own ability to direct his thinking towards a challenging state. It is the process of self-directing, self-disciplined, self-analyzing a situation. This skill is of the very important element in one’s upliftment in a particular point of the profession.
When we consider young children of that matter who are in the process of gaining knowledge in schools and college levels. This critical thinking plays an important role, this concept does not limit any of the fields of study undertaken, as it can be used in all disciplines per se. This critical thinking is very helpful to the students to master the various present-day real situations as it helps them to reflect, think practically, plan out and land up with a solution. This skill of critical thinking which an individual has acquired over a while during his or her learning process would serve as an asset to build their career and become successful in their lives, as this widely deals with problem-solving and providing proofs for the particular line of their ideas.
It helps in the fast-growing economic world, to establish and become successful in the present-day business mania. The skills such as analyzing the resources available, integrating the ideologies of various sources in problem-solving, being a quick learner to face many of the business challenges would play an essential role in an individual’s success.
Any kind of thoughts and ideologies could be accepted in the present world once it is clearly understood by the people, and this would be an essential aspect of reaching out our ideas to a large number. So the skill of communication plays a vital role, clear thinking and systematic communication are the key points that would be achieved by critical thinking which could help one’s comprehensive enhancement. Many times these communicative skills help in solving the problems which would have been due to the lack of some communicating criteria under consideration, where this skill of comprehensiveness would clear the gap.
The ability to think about a problem in all possible dimensions would help in solving it more smartly. The present-day world prefers a smart worker comparatively than a hard worker, who could at the best way try to analyze and succeed.
The knowledge in differentiating the logical thoughts and the emotions which are of personal aspect could be got through critical thinking, which helps to better decide which would be right in all aspects.
There is a vast range of demand for something unique in the present-day world, anyone coming up with any sort of creative, unique ideas grab attention and stands out in the crowd. They have been at times the change-makers in the societies due to their exemplary creativity of thoughts especially in business matters in consideration, and being critical in the thinking has an impact to sort out the problems creatively.
This critical thinking not only helps in building IQ i.e Intelligent quotient but also helps in building EQ the emotional quotient. As it helps to reflect internally on our moral values and analyze our path towards a righteous path that would serve the meaning of our living.
Critical thinking allows the child to think in a rational, logical, practical way which could direct their point of thoughts in a more logical or rational format where it would help them at times of need to find out a particular solution or so. It helps the students to present their views with proofs which could serve the purpose of their way of thinking which at times would be a unique one. Learning is not constrained to classrooms, teachers, and homework but it is a platform where at times students should learn many things through their intuition. This learning via intuition helps one to build his academic, intellectual knowledge in a better way in understanding many topics in his or her ways. It makes individuals self-learners and become more responsible in owning their education.
Many of the competitive exams focus on logical reasoning and verbal reasoning to filter out the students of which who can think critically to a given strategical question. Colleges across the country focus on selecting students who are having better problem-solving and logical reasoning skills.
This skill of critical thinking should be inculcated in students from their young age to make them more realistic in their perspective, training them through a wide range of innovative ideas that would make them rational thinkers in the future should be one of the goals included in teaching objectives.
-By Shivani Setty, SDF Batch 14, St Joseph College, Bangalore, Karnataka
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